Partner Services

What We Do

We help people living with HIV and/or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by confidentially notifying sexual and/or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV.

Partner notification can be a difficult process. It is always voluntary and client-centered for both the person living with HIV and their partner(s). We offer three options for letting partners know they may have been exposed to HIV and/or STIs and providing them linkages to testing and medical care. These are:

  • Anonymous Third Party: Specially trained staff notify partners without disclosing any information about the original client.
  • Dual Disclosure: The original client wants to disclose to partners his or herself, with the support of trained HIV Partner Services staff. Trained staff can link people to services once the original client has told the partner of their exposure.
  • Self Disclosure: The original client notifies his or her partner(s), after working with trained HIV Partner Services staff to develop a disclosure plan.

PCRS activities are recognized at the state and national levels as benefiting people living with HIV and/or other STIs, their partners, and the larger community.

Individuals with HIV/AIDS and/or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can contact us for PCRS services.

HIV/AIDS Services