Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care
The Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care (HCPCFC) is a public health nursing program located in county child welfare service agencies and probation departments to provide public health nurse expertise in meeting the medical, dental, mental, and developmental needs of children and youth in foster care.
Role of the HCPCFC Public Health Nurse:
- Coordinate medical, dental and mental health care for children and youth in foster care
- Coordinate health services for children in out-of-county and out-of-state placements
- Expedite referrals for medical, dental, mental health, and developmental services
- Provide medical education and training for foster care team members, probation officers, judges, school nurses, and caregivers on the special health care needs of children and youth in foster care
- Participate in creation and updating the Health and Education Passport for every child as required
- Assists Children and Family Services (CFS) Social Workers to interpret medical report and findings
- Assists foster caregivers obtain timely health assessments and dental examination
Health and Education Passport (HEP):
A Health and Education Passport is created for each child in foster care. This document includes past and current health, dental, and education information. The HEP is shared with the foster parent, biological parent, health care providers, and the youth upon exiting foster care.
Contact Information
Phone: (805) 981-5190
Fax: (805) 658-4505