Acción del condado de Ventura sobre el tabaquismo y la salud (VC-ASH)

The Ventura County Action on Smoking and Health (VC-ASH) is an advisory body (consisting of agencies, organizations, and individuals) whose mission is to reduce tobacco use and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in Ventura County by mobilizing a broad-based network of community organizations and committed individuals. To accomplish this, VC-ASH will provide leadership and facilitate community mobilization to educate, advocate, and develop policy. 

Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) aims to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related illnesses and deaths and influence social norms toward a tobacco-free County. Tobacco and vape-free living means avoiding the benefit of all types of tobacco products – such as cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco and, hookahs, e-cigarettes – and also living free from secondhand smoke exposure. VCPH strives to support environments that protect and promote the health and well-being of everyone in Ventura County. 

We invite you to join us in working to improve the health of our community as part of the Ventura County Action on Smoking and Health Coalition. 

Membership: How to Join VC-ASH 

VC-ASH welcomes all community members and organizations in Ventura County to improve health and equity in our community. VC-ASH strives for a representative group of individuals that reflect our community or advocate on behalf of a population. If you want to learn more about becoming a member, please call us at 805-981-6656 or email 

Get Informed: Tobacco Education and Prevention Resources 

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