Política de tabaco

The Ventura County Public Health Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (TEPP) is dedicated to reducing and eliminating tobacco use and exposure in the county. 

We aim to improve the health of all Ventura County residents by reducing chronic disease, illness, and premature death attributable to the use of tobacco products through policy, systems, and environmental changes. This is accomplished by developing projects that change the social and cultural norms of tobacco use in the community, particularly among youth, and institutionalizing community support to eliminate tobacco use. 

Tobacco Education and Prevention staff conduct presentations in the community, participate in community events, provide retailer education training and in-store visits, conduct community-wide health needs assessments, and provide technical assistance to local businesses that wish to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke through smoke -free policy implementation. 

You may contact the TEPP to report complaints and/or possible violations of County, City, or State of California laws regarding tobacco products or secondhand smoke by calling 805-201-STOP (7867) or using the link below. 

Make a Complaint/I would like more information. 


  • Truth about Flavored Tobacco 


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