Programa de asistencia para medicamentos contra el SIDA

We help ensure that HIV-positive uninsured and under-insured individuals have access to medication.

A quién servimos:

Individuals who:

  • are a resident of California;
  • are HIV infected;
  • are 18 years of age or older;
  • have a Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI) that does not exceed $59,400;
  • have a valid prescription from a licensed California physician; and
  • lack private insurance that covers the medications or do not qualify for no-cost Medi-Cal.
  • have one of the following prescription coverage insurances:
    • Private Insurance Coverage with Prescription Drug Coverage: ADAP assists clients with private insurance prescription drug coverage in meeting many out-of-pocket costs.
    • Private Insurance Coverage with Prescription Drug Coverage: ADAP assists clients with private insurance prescription drug coverage in meeting many out-of-pocket costs.
    • Private Insurance/Premium Payment Program: Covers eligible people who have to leave their job because of HIV/AIDS-related illness and are need premium payment assistance will be referred to the Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency/Health Insurance Premium Payment (OA/HIPP) Program or the Medi-Cal/HIPP Program.
    • Medicare Part D Premium Payment Program: ADAP clients with Medicare Part D premiums may be eligible for payment assistance through the ADAP Premium Payment Program administered by the OA/HIPP Program.
    • Medicare Part D: All Medicare Part D eligible ADAP clients are required to use the prescription drug benefits available under that plan. ADAP can help clients meet many out-of-pocket costs associated with coverage available under Medicare Part D.

What you should know:

Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) slow the disease and help prevent life threatening illnesses that HIV-positive individuals can get due to their low immune systems. ARVs enhance the quality of life for many HIV-positive persons and help them remain healthy and work for as long as possible.

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