
Sign Up for Alerts!

The California Health Alert Network (CAHAN) is an Everbridge-based disaster notification platform that connects federal, state, local, and tribal partners with important public health and medical alerts to support the active roles they play in emergency response. CAHAN is designed to accommodate local response networks for sharing emergency alerting and preparedness information such as drills, disease treatment and prevention advisories, and communications that strengthen state and local emergency preparedness. The nearly 30,000 participating CAHAN contacts include professionals working in public health, environmental health, emergency medical services, and healthcare allied services. Click the above CAHAN logo to download the CAHAN registration form. Questions regarding CAHAN may be directed to


Ventura County has implemented a state-of-the-art emergency notification system that may be used to deliver time sensitive emergency alerts to residents when there is a threat to your health and safety. For more information about the alerting system and instructions to sign up for alerts, click the above VC ALERT logo.

Southern California Edison (SCE) customers can sign up to receive Outage Alerts direct from SCE via voice, email or text message by going to their Outage Alert Preferences page in the customers’ profile. A User ID will be required to sign up – if you don’t have one, you can register for a User ID through SCE.

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