Proveedores de EMS y enlaces laborales

Paramedic Ambulance Transport

Advanced Life Support transport service is contracted through the American Medical Response and Lifeline Medical Transport.

American Medical Response
616 Fitch Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021

Covers the cities of Simi Valley, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ventura, Santa Paula, Fillmore, and unincorporated areas within their contracted ambulance service zones with a daily staffing of 14-18 ALS ambulances and 2 ALS supervisors.

Fire Departments

Ventura County Fire Department
165 Durley Avenue Camarillo, CA

Covers the cities of Simi Valley, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Port Hueneme, Ojai, and all unincorporated areas of Ventura County from 32 stations. Ventura County Fire Department provides services with 11 ALS engines, 21 BLS engines, 3 BLS ladder trucks and 2 ALS squads.

Ventura City Fire Department
1425 Dowell Drive Ventura, CA

Covers the City of Ventura from six stations with six ALS engines and one ALS ladder truck.


Fillmore City Fire Department
250 Central Avenue Fillmore, CA

Covers the City of Fillmore from one station with ALS and BLS engines.



Oxnard City Fire Department
City Hall Address:
300 West 3rd St. Oxnard, CA

Covers the City of Oxnard from eight stations with eight BLS engines and two BLS ladder trucks




Federal Fire Department – Ventura County
Naval Base Ventura County

Covers all areas of Naval Base Ventura County, including San Nicholas Island, from four stations with BLS engines and BLS ambulances.




Air Rescue/Transport
Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Aviation/Medical Team

Covers all areas of the county, including remote wilderness within the Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area




There are eight hospitals in Ventura County. Four are “Base Hospitals” which coordinate care, provide medical control for the paramedics, and provide continuing education through experienced Emergency Room Physicians and Pre-hospital Care Coordinators (RN’s).

Base Hospitals:

The other receiving hospitals in the county are:

Specialized System Providers:

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