Educación y entrenamiento

Prehospital Education: EMT Training Programs, Paramedic Training Programs, 
and Prehospital Continuing Education

Click here for a list of approved prehospital training programs and continuing education providers

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

The Career

EMTs provide emergency and non-emergency patient care and transportation. Common areas of employment include ambulance service, industrial safety positions, fire departments, and other public safety agencies.

Scope of Practice

Basic airway management, CPR, bandaging, splinting, patient assessment, advanced life support assistance skills, etc. Beginning in 2018, EMTs working for a provider agency within an organized EMS system, and with proper training and prior approval of the EMS Medical Director may also administer Epinephrine for severe asthma and anaphylaxis, Naloxone for suspected opioid overdoses, nerve agent antidote for suspected organophosphate or nerve agent exposure.

EMT Program Prerequisites

  • 18 years old
  • Clean criminal record (some exceptions apply)

Estimated Fees (subject to change without notice)

National Registry Testing

National Registry uses computer-based testing only. All applications for testing will be submitted to National Registry electronically and all tests will be taken via computer. If you have questions regarding the testing process, please contact National Registry at 614-888-4484.


The Career

Paramedics are licensed medical professionals that provide advanced level care to ill and injured patients in emergency and non-emergency settings. Paramedics might work in a variety of disciplines ranging from ambulance (ground and air) or the fire service.

Scope of Practice

Although a strong understanding and application of the basic scope of practice is critical for all EMS providers, Paramedics are also trained to perform advanced procedures and administer a variety of medications. In addition, Paramedics are authorized to perform advanced airway management, perform needle decompression. Paramedics perform higher level, more in-depth, patient assessments and manage patient care while on scene of emergencies and during transport to the hospital.


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