Certification and Licensure

EMT Certification & Re-Certification

NOTICE: All EMT Certification/Recertification applications are processed by appointment only. Please call 805-981-5301 to make an appointment.

All EMT applicants certifying/renewing on or after July 1, 2019 shall submit documentation of successful completion of the following training by an approved EMT training program or approved CE provider:

  • The use of a glucometer
  • The use and administration of naloxone or other opioid antagonist
  • The use and administration of epinephrine by auto-injector

Please refer to Ventura County EMS Policies 301 and 302 for EMT Certification and Re-Certification requirements.

Current fee for Initial EMT Certification, as of 7/1/2023, is $136.00. The current fee for EMT certificate renewal is $95.00.

The following files are available, in PDF format, to assist you with your application for certification/accreditation with this agency.

Paramedic Accreditation and Re-Accreditation
All Paramedic Accreditation and Re-Accreditation applications are processed by appointment only. Please call 805-981-5301 to make an appointment.

Please refer to Ventura County EMS Policy 315 for Paramedic Accreditation and Re-Accreditation requirements.

Current Paramedic Accreditation fee, as of 7/1/2023, is $80.00. Unless an individual’s accreditation lapses for any reason, there is currently no fee for re-accreditation.

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