Instrucciones para el permiso de entierro para el público en general

Burial Permits are required by California law prior to the disposition of human remains such as burial, cremation, or scattering of cremated remains.  Permits may be obtained through any California licensed funeral establishment or by an application process with our office.

Burial permits can be applied for by the legal next of kin, the person with the right to control the disposition, and purchased at this office under at least 1 of the following circumstances only:

  • Where the death occurred in Ventura County
  • Where the final resting place is located in Ventura County
  • Where there is a change in the final disposition and the legal next of kin resides in Ventura County.  Proof of residence is required and is accepted by providing a California issued photo identification/driver license.

All others, please contact the appropriate local registrar for assistance by using the Directory of County Local Registrars.

Pursuant to Health and Safety Codes (H&SC) 7501 and 103060, the person having the right to control the disposition may apply for the Permit.  This person is specified in Health and Safety Code (H&SC) 7100 in the order named:

  • Agent under a power of attorney for health care who has the right of disposition
  • Spouse
  • Adult child of the decedent
  • Parent of the decedent
  • Adult sibling of the decedent
  • Adult person in the next degrees of kinship
  • A conservator of the person appointed
  • A conservator of the estate
  • The public administrator

Obtaining a Burial Permit in person:

  1. Walk-In only, burial permit hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
  2. The applicant must bring a valid government-issued photo identification.
  3. Provide a copy of the official death certificate or previously authorized permit.
  4. The fee for each Permit is $12.00 and is accepted by cash, check, cashier’s check, money order, and Visa/Mastercard.
  5. The Permit is issued the same day.


Contact us at (805) 981- 5172 or by email at with any Disposition Permit questions.

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