Child Passenger Safety Program

Motor vehicle occupant injuries are among the top five causes of both death and hospitalization among children under age 16. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that, child restraints are 71% effective in reducing fatality among infants and 54% effective among children aged one to four in passenger cars.
Ventura County Public Health provides education and training to the community on child passenger safety through education campaigns, workshops, and hands on car seat education.
Car Seat Education Appointments
Safe Kids Ventura County, in partnership with Ventura County Fire Department, provides caregivers and professionals transporting children with car seat education on the proper use and installation of child safety seats.
Schedule an Appointment Online
Text: (805) 973-7582
Contact Information
Monique Ciccone Llanos, MPH
Program Coordinator
(805) 981-5225
Veronica Martinez, MSN, RN, PHN
Maternal Child & Adolescent Health Coordinator
(805) 981-5380