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Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP)


What is Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP)?

CHDP is a program that provides well-child check-ups to children enrolled in Medi-Cal as well as those children not qualified for Medi-Cal but determined income-eligible.

  • CHDP pays for periodic exams so that problems may be found early. These problems can then be treated before they become more severe.
  • CHDP exams help parents and families learn about possible risks to infants, children and youth at specific ages, and what to do to avoid them.
  • CHDP offers assistance to families in finding health and dental care and low cost health care coverage.
  • CHDP also provides information to families about topics such as dental care, nutrition, lead poisoning, and anemia.

What does a CHDP exam include?

  • A well-child exam includes assessment of oral health, nutrition, development, tuberculosis testing, and education about ways to keep your child healthy. The exam also includes any immunizations that your child needs. Other tests include screening for hearing, vision, anemia, urinary problems, and lead poisoning. Additional tests that can be included are cholesterol, blood sugar, and sexually transmitted infections.
  • CHDP exams are provided by enrolled physicians and clinics throughout Ventura County.

Who is eligible for a CHDP exam?

  • Children and youth enrolled in Medi-Cal are eligible for periodic CHDP (well-child) exams up to their 21st birthday.
  • Children and youth determined through the CHDP Gateway to be income-eligible can have CHDP exams until their 19th birthday.

How does a child get a CHDP exam?

  • Parents make an appointment with a CHDP Medical Provider or Clinic and ask for a well-child exam. The provider checks Medi-Cal eligibility to see if child is qualified for an exam on the date of the appointment.

What is the CHDP Gateway?

  • The CHDP Gateway is a way for children to obtain temporary enrollment for a CHDP exam for those who do not currently have health care coverage. If qualified for Medi-Cal, a child may also be able to have treatment services (during the application period).
  • Learn more about how to get insurance coverage for your children and family members or complete the online application at Covered California.


Covered California

Find more CHDP information at Family Resources or Provider Resources. 


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