Substance Use Services

Addiction is treatable.
Recovery from drug and alcohol problems starts with a call or an email.
VCBH Access/Crisis Line: 1-866-998-2243
Toll-free • 24/7
Anyone can get addicted.
People from all backgrounds can experience addiction. Addiction doesn’t care how old you are, how much money you make, or the color of your skin; it has no bias.
Is it affecting daily life?
When drugs or alcohol are used so often that they have significant negative effects on your life, this is called a substance use disorder.*
Has substance use led to you or someone you know…
- Being out of work and couch surfing?
- Doing poorly in school?
- Crashing a car?
- Coping with mental illness by self-medicating?
- Risking losing custody of children?
Help is available.
Ventura County Behavioral Health provides a continuum of care for substance use problems, with six locations and a wide range of treatment options for achieving and maintaining recovery.
No Cost or Low Cost
- Sliding scale depending on need
- Treatment services are free if under age 18
- Staff can assist with insurance eligibility, Covered California, Medi-Cal, and paperwork
Treatment Services
Ventura County ACCESS staff will help determine which treatment options are needed.
- Outpatient Services
Counseling and therapeutic strategies
- Residential Treatment
Residential care for rehabilitation services in a non-institutional setting
- Withdrawal Management (Detox)
Intake, observation, medication services and discharge services
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Case Management
Assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, vocational or other community services
- Recovery Services
Ongoing aftercare support
- Specialized programs for women, youth, and people who are justice-involved
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, call for a free, confidential assessment.
VCBH Access/Crisis Line: 1-866-998-2243
Toll-free • 24/7
> ACCESS Substance Use Treatment Services Brochure
> View the Substance Use Treatment Services Handbook & Provider Directories