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2019 Full-Scale Exercise


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General FSE Information

What is SWMHE?

The Statewide Medical and Health Exercise (SWMHE) is sponsored by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). This program is designed to help healthcare, public health agencies, and their partners exercise their response to unusual health events that may challenge their facilities, personnel, and impact the communities they serve.


How will the SWMHE be conducted in Ventura County?

Due to the hazard chosen by the Ventura County Health Care Coalition (VCHCC) partners, Ventura County will be conducting the FSE on October 17, 2019 in alignment with the date of the Great ShakeOut. Modified SWMHE materials will be utilized to make the exercise applicable to our jurisdictional needs, capabilities, and scenario. Additionally, we will conduct the exercise design and execution in alignment with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) definition of a FSE to assist our partners whom are Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) providers/suppliers in meeting their requirement for an annual, community-based FSE.


What is the date of this year’s FSE?

Exercise Date:  October 17, 2019

After-Action Meeting Date:  November 19, 2019

See the full Exercise Timeline for dates of important planning meetings and trainings.


What is the scenario/hazard?





How to Use this Webpage

  • This webpage has been compiled with the intent that it be used as a planning toolkit for exercise participants.
  • This webpage includes several, downloadable documents. Click the hyperlinked words to download the associated document.
  • Items with a Pencil denote that the document is in a modifiable format (e.g. word or excel) and requires site-specific information (e.g. name of site)
  • References to sections are included throughout this page. These refer to sections of this webpage (e.g. "Section 1" is the Requirements of Participation section)


Follow these steps for successful participation in the FSE!

First Steps

  1. Review the Requirements of Participation (section 1)
  2. Review and assign roles to staff at each site (section 2)
  3. Submit an Intent to Participate (section 3) - closed 10/04/19

 Next Steps

  1. Attend Planning Meetings (section 4)
    • ensure your controller & evaluator attend the 10/10/19 training
  2. Build your Site Handbook binder (section 5)
  3. Optional - Conduct a site-based tabletop exercise (section 6)

 Final Steps

  1. Participate in the FSE on 10/17/19 (section 7)
  2. Submit Exercise Evaluations by 5:00 pm on Friday, 10/18/19
  3. Attend After-Action Meeting on 11/19/19


Section 1. Requirements of Participation

  1.  Intent to Participate (section 3)
    • Due October 4th
  2. VCHCC Member Agreement Packet
  3. Attendance at the following:
    1. Final Planning Meeting - October 9th
    2. Controller & Evaluator Training - October 10th
    3. After-Action Meeting - November 19th
  4. Participation during the FSE on October 17th (section 7)
    • Submit at least one, SitRep to VCHCC & attached at least one photograph as proof of Emergency Plan activation
  5. Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)
    • This document will be provided to the Evaluator at the October 10th training
    • Due by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 18th; submitted to SWMHE@ventura.org


Section 2. Roles


Required Roles

  1. Exercise Lead
  2. Safety Officer
  3. Controller
  4. Evaluator
  5. Players

Optional Roles

  1. Public Information Officer
  2. Media Personnel
  3. Observers
  4. Actors/Victim Volunteers
  5. Support Staff


Section 3. Intent to Participate - Due October 4, 2019


An Intent to Participate (ITP) is required for all organizations who plan to participate in the exercise. If your organization has more than one site, you will need to fill out one ITP survey per each site/location. The deadline to submit an ITP has passed; we are no longer accepted ITPs for the 2019 FSE.


Exercise Email Distribution List

An exercise distribution list will be created utilizing the email addresses collected in the ITP. Beginning October 5th, exercise-related email messages will only be sent to the exercise distribution list. If your email address is not included in the ITP, but you would like to receive exercise-related email messages, simply send a request to have your email address added to the exercise distribution list. Requests may be sent to SWMHE@ventura.org.


Section 4.  HSEEP Planning Meetings


  1. Initial Planning Meeting
  2. Midterm Planning Meeting
  3. Final Planning Meeting 
    • PowerPoint
    • in-person meeting; no recording will be made available

Section 5. Site Handbook

This section contains documents needed to build the Site Handbook. Pre-filled binders will not be provided to exercise participants, this year. The Exercise Lead at each site is responsible for building the Site Handbook binder.


Binder Setup 

Exercise Leads should start building the binder with these documents. The cover page and binder spine are intended for the outside of the binder. The welcome letter and timeline are intended to be placed in front of the Table of Contents.

Tab Cover Sheets

These cover sheets provide more information about each segment of the binder, including a list of documents that should be printed and filed behind the respective, tab cover sheet. When building the Site Handbook, be sure to view the associated webpage section listed next to the cover sheets. These associated sections include downloadable documents that should be printed and filed in the Site Handbook.

  1. Requirements of Participation (section 1)
  2. Correspondence (section 8)
  3. HSEEP Planning Meetings (section 4)
  4. Documents (no section; documents provided below)
  5. Tabletop Exercise (TTX) (section 6)
  6. Control, Evaluation & Safety (no section; documents provided below)
  7. Day of Exercise (section 7)
  8. After-Action (section 9)



Section 6. Tabletop Exercise (TTX)


Why conduct an internal, facility- or organization-based TTX?

Conducting an internal TTX will help to prepare your facility/organization for successful participation in the FSE on October 17th. Furthermore, this internal TTX allows personnel at your site to become familiarized with the scenario in a low-stress environment (i.e. discussion only; no “boots on the ground” or full-activation). It provides you with the opportunity to make any adjustments to plans, policies & procedures, etc. prior to participating in the [boots on the ground/full activation] full-scale exercise.

The following documents are provided for sites conducting an optional, internal TTX.



Section 7. Day of the Exercise


9:30 am  Site Briefing
10:00 am Start Ex
12:00 pm End Ex
12:00 pm    
Site Hot Wash


  • Exercise in Progress Sign Pencil
  • Sign-In Sheet Pencil
  • Player Handout Pencil
  • Briefing PPT Pencil
    • Each participating site must conduct their own site briefing just prior to the exercise. Participating sites are not required to use this briefing PPT; we are providing it as a resource for sites who would like assistance regarding topics to cover in the briefing.
  • VCHCC Situation Status Report (SitRep)
    • One SitRep - with at least one photo attached showing you have activated your emergency plan - will be required for each site participating.
  • Paper Patient Template  Pencil
  • Player Activity Log
    • Player Activity Log (ICS 214) is not a requirement of participation; however we are providing this form as a resource. Players who are provided this form can use it to document their activities during exercise play. ICS 214s are used in real world emergencies to document the same and is utilized by facilities that follow ICS.
  • Hot Wash PPTPencil
    • Each participating site must conduct their own hot wash immediately following the exercise. Participating sites are not required to use this hot wash PPT; we are providing it as a resource for sites who would like assistance regarding topics to cover in the hot wash.


Section 8. Correspondence



Section 9. After-Action

Save the date: The After-Action Meeting will be held the morning of November 19th.



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